Monday, May 24, 2010

Dear Politician SHUT UP

I hate robocalls. And it is primary election season here in the Land of Enchantment so the politicians are robocalling. In the last 5 days I have had over 20 calls from these ninnies who want my vote.

Like I am ever going to vote for someone who annoys me. Oh, wait. That'd be all of them.

My phone is mine. I pay my bill every month so I can have land line service. My best buddy lives 1100 miles away and we talk a lot; never could I afford that many minutes on a cell plan.

The "Do Not Call" list has spared me a lot of telemarketer calls but charities and politicians are exempt. The politicians who exempted themselves should be tarred, feathered, flogged, painted with bacon grease and staked out on an ant hill. But it'd be cruel to the ants to put such a toxic mess on them; they are a natural part of the ecosystem.

No, I will not just shut off my phone; I do not feel that I can. My son is 24 years old and a Staff Sergeant in the US Air Force. He is in South Korea right now and that may not be the best place to be. There are some phone calls a parent never wants to get but those are the calls you really don't want to miss so my phone is left on. And I hate robocalls.